Lenticular Printing

Services, Software, Hardware, and Training
About ViCGI  |   Lenticular Pitch Test  |   Lenticular Interlacing App  |   Artwork Preparation  |   Lenticular Software  |   Lenticular Tutorials  |   Applications  |   FAQs  |   Gallery  |   Blog

About ViCGI

lenticular flip

Visual Creative Graphics Innovations, a.k.a. ViCGI, stands as a leading provider of software and hardware solutions catering to the realm of lenticular printing. Established in the year 2,000 in the heart of Silicon Valley, ViCGI seamlessly blends expertise in graphic art and cutting-edge technology, rendering lenticular printing accessible and practical for artists, marketers, and attendees at trade shows.

The diverse clientele of ViCGI spans across various sectors, encompassing individuals from all walks of life. Whether it’s artists seeking to showcase their creations or corporate giants like Google adorning their campus with expansive murals, or Procter & Gamble utilizing lenticular prints for large-scale mailings, and even the United Nations adorning its hallways with portraits of Signs of Compassion - ViCGI's impact is felt far and wide. Notably, the City of San Jose chose ViCGI to display striking lenticular posters at the bustling San Jose International Airport. The applications of lenticular printing, as facilitated by ViCGI, exhibit remarkable versatility.

ViCGI has introduced the 3Dependable Dolly, a tool designed to streamline the production of 3D lenticular prints. This equipment is capable of capturing multiple images in a linear fashion, facilitating the creation of a seamless lenticular sequence. Additionally, we offer online applications catering to lenticular enthusiasts, enabling them to independently produce lenticular prints. Our suite of apps, including the lenticular pitch test and lenticular interlacing, empowers users to effortlessly create do-it-yourself lenticular prints with greater ease than ever before.

Clients of ViCGI

Explore the diverse clientele that has entrusted ViCGI with their lenticular printing requirements, ranging from global industry leaders to small businesses and individual artists. Our renowned reputation in the industry and unwavering commitment to quality have made ViCGI the preferred choice for a wide spectrum of clients. Here is a glimpse of some of the notable names we've had the privilege to serve across various industries.

Johnson and Johnson
Walt Disney
City of San Jose
Harvard University
San Jose State University
The Dali Museum
Asian Art Museum
Natural History Museum of Utah
US Army
R.J. Reynolds
United Nations
U.S. National Science Foundation
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics